His Worship the Mayor Julius Mutebi Nsubuga has today had an engagement with Pastor Steve Spinett the former Mayor of Damascus Portland Oregon state, USA who paid him a visit at the Municipal Headquarters. In the company of Mr. Jeremy Borougher from Eugene Oregon State College and Pastor Fred Njuya of Grace Assembly Community Church Kazinga Bweyogerere they discussed the challenges and scores of the municipality and focus was put on matters concerning the social development of Kira.

Mutebi revealed to his visitors that Kira as a Municipality is having many opportunities given  the high population and Namugongo Martyrs Shrines and Museums which on annual basis brings millions of people from over the world but it becomes a challenge that the Municipality due to a small budget it cannot effectively plan and implement the necessary services such as standard road networks, Health service, job creation for the highly growing youth number, proper garbage management which looks at turning wastes into useful materials among other needed and expected by the population.

He added that its worth nothing that although Kira has been at the level of a Municipality for just a few years and in the hands of learning leaders is has been in position facilitate it budget 40% on locally raised revenue hoping that once all the revenue are automated there will be a grater improvement in the performance.

“ we also still have a serious gap in our human resource since we have just started but efforts are in place to bridge up but amidst the challenges we are trying our best to serve our people” he said.

Steve who is in Africa for his first time was so much concerned of gender matters and the way they are handled at household levels saying that is unfortunate to see that those energetic are using the energy to oppress the weaker ones. “I have heard women testifying of carrying much of the family responsibilities yet we all know that by nature women are weaker are weaker and that if much is left in their hands we may end up not achieving the best results”

Having noted the key issues, Steve advised the Mayor to ensure that Kira becomes the front page everywhere and promised to use his connections back home to see how to work with the Municipality for the general transformation community.

Planning to have an engagement with the Divisions’ leadership tomorrow the team is still on ground taking necessary observations for necessary and immediate action.