Presentation and approval of Namugongo Division Budget FY2021/2022: Covid -19 hit Local Revenue by 12.46%

Presentation and approval of Namugongo Division Budget FY2021/2022:

Covid -19 hit Local Revenue by 12.46%

In accordance with Article 191(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda which gives Local Governments the power to levy and appropriate taxes, also section (3) which emphasizes that no appropriation of funds by a Local Government shall be made unless approved in a budget in its Council; the Division Chairperson Ho. Gaster Mukulu Mukasa, has therefore presented the revenue and expenditure budget estimates worth Ug.Shillings 2728,785,000/ for the financial year 2021/2022 to the Council for approval.


In the financial year 2021/2022 the Council identified several revenue sources and estimated to collect a total of Ug.Shillings 2,728,785,000/ which will comprise of Locally Raised Revenue worth One billion, six hundred twenty two million, eleven thousand only (1,622,011,000), remittances from the Municipal Council Three hundred ninety nine million, eight hundred ninety nine thousand only (399,899,000), Central Government transfers amounting to Three hundred six million, eight hundred seventy five thousand only(306,875,000) and a Bank loan to boost the local revenue for the purchase of land for the Division Headquarters worth Four hundred million only (400,000,000).

In terms of expenditure Administration and Personnel is given a total of 1,616,780,000/ from the 1,183,06,000/ of last year, Law Enforcement to keep on the same figure of 48,600,000/ like last year, Finance to take  235, 220,000/ from the 243,520,000/ of last year, Council, Commissions and Boards 219, 200,000/, Agriculture (Crop) 15,712,000/ from 14,503,000/ of last year, Veterinary from 34, 295,000/ of last year to 40,000,000/, Primary Health from 14,000,000/ to 15,000,000/ this year, Public Health 230,000,000/ from 207,000,000/, Education from 40,000,000/ to 38,500,000/, Engineering, Housing and Planning reducing from 149, 200,000/ to 144,372,000/, Environment reducing from 8,200,000/ to 8,000,000/, Gender and Community Warfare increasing from 48,195,000/ to 55,718,000/, Probation and Social Warfare increasing from 4,000,000/to 5,577,000/, Youths and Culture increasing from 12,000,000/to 16,423,000/, Person With Disabilities 7,500,000/, Elderly 7,500,000/, Planning increasing from 8,000,000/to 18,716,000/ and Audit increasing from 2,261,719,000/ to 2,728,818,000/.

Mukasa informed the Council that the budget for the financial 2020/2021 was Ug.Shillings 2,261,719,000/ in total whereby Locally Raised Revenue contributed One billion, five hundred seventy six million, nineteen thousand only (1,576,019,000/) while remittance from the Municipal Council was Three hundred ninety million, three thousand shillings only (393,003,000/) and Central Government transfer contributed Two hundred ninety five million, six hundred ninety seven thousand only (295,697,000) but the estimated actual realization was only One billion, nine hundred seventy nine million, nine hundred seventy eight thousand only(1,979,978,000/) contributing to 87.54%  and this was attributed to the Covid 19 effects on the economic activities in the area.

He said that despite a number of challenges still there are some achievement that were registered in the financial year and they included among others promotion of Organized women and youths groups, construction of a classroom block at Kamuli C/U Primary School, construction of a drainage channel along Kinabweru road in Kireka B, facilitation of Council and Committee sittings throughout the year, supporting of farmers by giving them improved seeds, chicken and feeds, renovation of a classroom block at Kireka UMEA primary school, negotiating for the bank loan worth 400 million to enable the Division acquire land for its Headquarter, managing to remit all the 50% Local Revenue Collection to Kira Municipal Council, and 25% and 10% to the Division Cells and Wards respectively.