Minister of State for Youth and Children Affairs, Hon. Nyirabashitsi Sarah Mateke has visited Kira Municipality to assess the performance of Covid-19 relief fund
Minister of State for Youth and Children Affairs, Hon. Nyirabashitsi Sarah Mateke has visited Kira Municipality to assess the performance of Covid-19 relief fund which was sent to the vulnerable in the categories which were given out by the Office of the Prime Minister.
Hon. Nyirabashitsi who is also the woman representative for Kisoro district said that her visitation was meant to assess the performance of the exercise so that in case covid continues or there happens to be a situation similar to that the government can use the same method to give out relief funds to people. “I am here to find out the emerging issues, challenges, community feedback among others related to the exercise and also establish whether the intended objective was achieved”.
She said that despite the large number of people Kira was among the first Municipalities to submit in the details of the potential beneficiaries and so the need for her to go on the ground and find much more about the performance of the program.
Constituted of three Divisions of Kira, Namugongo, and Bweyogerere Division Council made up by Six Wards (6) and Fifty Four Cells (54) and with the Population totals 434,200 (UBOS, 2019) figures, population growth rates 10.44 %( National Average is 3.26%perannum and population density 3,324 persons per km2 Kira Municipal Council was in line with the Cabinet decision regarding approval of cash transfer of UGX Shs: 100,000/= to vulnerable persons in specific geographical jurisdictions conducted Data Compilation for Cash Transfer to Vulnerable Persons affected by the Covid -19 Containment Measures where it was given an allocation covering only 31,358 (House Holds) as targeted direct beneficiaries.
According to Mr. Yiga Benon, the Municipal Accounting Officer, a circular that was accordingly issued to Accounting Officers dated 30th June, 2021 referenced ADM, 140/170/01 requiring the affected urban local Governments to conduct Data compilation for the program and later on an entry meeting was convened at RDCs office comprising of the Honorable Minister of State for Trade Industry and Cooperatives, Deputy Resident District Commissioner and the Municipal Leadership and participant briefed on the progress and agreed that the exercise be expedited for the benefit of the people.
“According to the instruction instrument, the circular clearly guided on the target category of beneficiaries; accordingly, the following categories such as Bus/Taxi Drivers, Conductors, Baggage carriers, wheelbarrow pushers, Touts, traffic guides and loaders in taxi, bus parks and stages and other major commercial centres such as Kikuko, Barmen, Djs, Barmaids ,Waiters, Bouncers, Bar, Gym and Restaurant Workers, Food Venders in Bus ,taxi parks and Arcades, Artists (Musicians, Comedians etc), Boda boda riders, Special Hire Drivers and Uber Drivers, Saloon, Massage parlor Workers, Teachers and support staff in private schools and teachers in Government Schools not on Government Payroll, Car washers, Slum Dwellers / Ghetto Residents, Street and food Vendors ,Shoe Shiners and Cobblers benefited from the cash transfer as vulnerable.” said Yiga.
He added that, the team made frantic efforts to ensure that all the beneficiaries are within the said occupational categories and that each beneficiary was recorded once and paid once a total amount of shillings 100,000= each.
“we made sure that only one person per household is captured for payment in line with the guidelines and to achieve this, re-verification was effectively done for all the beneficiaries not cleared and in some cases, replacement was done to those few that were found wanting. Indeed, letters could be sent by email confirming the number of persons uploaded and confirmed and accordingly requesting the Permanent Secretary to proceed and pay in line with the guidelines.” Yiga.
Being the most populated Municipality in the country with many of the residents working from Kampala Kira was much hit than and looking at the number of beneficiaries in comparison to the population many were left out.
According to the area Deputy Residential District Commissioner (Deputy RDC) Bwana Isaac Kawonawo, Kasokoso- Kiganda area alone has a total population of over 30000 people many of whom working in Kampala and depending on daily earnings, a point which was attested to by the Municipal Mayor His Worship Julius Mutebi Nsubuga
From a total of 86,045 (Eighty Six Thousand Forty Five) persons who were registered, Compiled and Verified across the three Divisions; Namugongo Division Registered 52,020 (Fifty Two Thousand Twenty) House Holds, Kira Division Council: 12,025(Twelve Thousand Twenty Five) House Holds and lastly Bweyogerere Division Council: 22,000 (Twenty Two Thousand) House Holds only 31,358 (House Holds) leaving out 54,687 (Fifty Four Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Seven) Persons despite the fact that they were potential beneficiaries.
Mutebi informed the Minister that despite challenges such as few data entrants given the quota allocated Municipal, hardships in the Movement of the work force / data entrants due to limited transport options during the lock down, Logistical support like inadequate funds to support the exercise in terms of work force and also to cover up other expenses incurred in the process of the exercise, Uncoordinated information given by the affected persons in terms of mismatch of names registered on mobile money and NIN registration among others, the exercise was a God sent because as council there was lack of a one stop centre or reliable records of beneficiaries with their telephone contacts and National IDs, now one has been set up in the Municipal Central Registry. “We have also advised the Divisions to keep updating this date on annual basis. Kira as a fast growing Municipality with all the categories of vulnerable / urban poor persons, the database is an important tool in planning and budgeting” said Mutebi.
Yiga attributed the success of the exercise the team work from to the offices of the RDC, DISO, Division chairpersons, Lc1 leaders as well as Civil who worked day and night as a team.